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Get ready to be splashed with vibrant colors!
CNY Family Sports Centre has generously donated the use of their facility for the 2023 Colorful Soles Fun Run. As you can see on the map, the event will take place on the upper fields and the course will be marked by large full-color feather flags.
All entrants will be assigned to a color station before the start of the race. Once you know your color group, just look for your flag color and be ready to go at your station before the 12pm Noon race start.
Runners will complete TWO laps around the course and walkers will complete ONE lap. This will ensure that everyone finishes near the same time so no one misses out on the color throw finale.
After you complete the course, join everyone in the middle for the big finale. You'll be given extra handfuls of vibrant color to throw high into the air on the count of three so we can all paint the sky for Ava.
Keep throwing the remaining powder into the air or at each other for a fun and colorful end to this wonderful event. Let's get some great footage!