Light or Occasional Rain
We’re still good! In fact, a little rain would make the colors even more vibrant. While it may affect our on-site DJ, photographer, videographer, and drone, a little rain won’t stop the run!
Event description put here
Participant safety is the most important thing and if any threatening weather conditions are present or confidently forecasted for the day of the event, the event may be delayed or canceled.
What Happens in the Event of Dangerous Weather?
If the venue or race organizers believe the weather conditions could present a danger to participants, they reserve the right to delay the start or cancel the event. Examples of conditions include tornado warnings, heavy rain, thunderstorms, hail, lightning strikes, and other major weather events.
Will Refunds Be Given if the Event is Cancelled Due to Weather?
Should bad weather force cancellation of the event, refunds and future event credits cannot be provided since the race is donation based and because the funds were already spent in preparation for race day. Threatening weather conditions fall under “Acts of God.” In the event of cancellation, you’ll still receive all earned/purchased race merch and perks.
How Will We Know if the Event is Cancelled or Delayed?
All race participants and volunteers will receive updates and alerts via the email address used during registration. Fun Run updates will also be posted on our social media channels and the website. We highly recommend that you check the colorfulsoles.org website and our Facebook page the day before, and the morning of, the event.
We’re still good! In fact, a little rain would make the colors even more vibrant. While it may affect our on-site DJ, photographer, videographer, and drone, a little rain won’t stop the run!
We’re still blazing forward! You’ll want to dress appropriately for the heat and also hydrate before, during, and after, but we’re on!
More wind will bring more color, so we’re still good to go even if it’s windy. Just watch for rolling or flying objects.
We’ll hope autumn is still going strong on event day, but if there’s snow in the forecast, we’re still on!
If heavy or torrential rain is imminent, we will push the start time, or be forced to cancel. You would still receive all the merch!
If lightning or thunder is in the area, we will pause/delay until 30 minutes after the last lightning strike or audible thunder. If all-day thunderstorms are forecasted, we may be forced to cancel.